Exodus is a new generation Pentecostal Church that came into existence in 2002, through four young musicians following a special move of God in the City of Cochin, the Queen of Arabian Sea. As a professional Musician, VJ Traven was a popular national figure during that time and God used him as a flag ship Minister to gather His people for Worship in Spirit and Truth. VJ Traven is one among the four senior leaders of Exodus. And now, he is the International Minister of Exodus Church.

VJ believes Yeshua the Almighty is coming soon to take His Bride away. And before that historic day, like never before this generation will witness His greater glory. The work of His grace will enable His Church to prepare herself to commune with Him constantly. She will carry the brand marks of Christ in her body and make His praise glorious. Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is the Lord. The Author and Finisher of faith is a Savior and Builder. He declared, “I will build My Church and the Gates of Hades will not overcome it. Amen!